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Greens call for stronger action on transforming the local economy

Cllr Jillian Creasy

The Green Party has criticised the Council’s “Green New Deal” for not going far enough to tackle rising unemployment, the financial crisis and climate change.

Green Cllr Jillian Creasy said, “The Green Party welcomes the fact that Cabinet has responded to the report from the Green New Deal conference, held by Sheffield Campaign Agaisnt Climate Change in February. After all it was Green Councillors who proposed that councillors and officers attend the conference and consider its conclusions. But we don’t feel the Cabinet report goes far enough and it is short on specifics”.

Party co-chair David Hayes added “The set of proposals approved on 12 August by the Cabinet is a very diluted package compared to the Green New Deal Confernce report. We want the Council to set clear outcomes and to say how they will monitor progress towards them.

“We need full support for public transport not more car parks. We need more support for local shops and markets rather than a new retail quarter and supermarkets. We also need an immediate package to extend insulation and energy efficiency schemes which would reduce fuel poverty and boost the local economy by providing jobs for local people”.


Topics: Economy, Green New Deal, Issues, Jillian Creasy