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Human Rights Day

humanrights600On December 10th Green Party activists joined a coalition of human rights organisations including Sheffield Amnesty International, Sheffield Hallam University Amnesty International,
Sheffield Liberty, Sheffield Guantanamo Campaign, Justice for the NW10, CDAS, City of Sanctuary and South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group.

We participated in a number of events to celebrate Human Rights Day which is held worldwide on 10th December every year to celebrate the origin of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Star’s press release can be found here.

Events were held in Sheffield University and Sheffiled Hallam University.

In the city centre we met at Barkers Pool at lunchtime with banners, placards. There were readings on human and civil rights, some written over a hundred years ago but still seemed fresh and relevant.

Then there was a similar gathering at Hallam Square. With more readings, including a mesage of international solidarity from Alexander Vinnikov, anti racist/ antifascist campaigner in St Petersburg, Russia.

Students from Sheffield Hallam Amnesty International group were campaigning especially on the situation in Burma and did some street theatre

Later we assembled outside the railway station to have a vigil in the rush hour.

In the evening there was a lively debate organised by the Sheffield Hallam University group and a number of other societies.

Sheffield Greens hope this event will become an important feature on the cities calendar, and congratulate the organisers for bringing so many groups together.

Topics: Human Rights, Local Campaigns