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Pay TV in hospital: a result of creeping privatisation of NHS

Graphic from UK Uncut

Dear Sir

It was good to see Danny Boyle celebrate the NHS in the spectacular Olympics Opening Ceremony. Unfortunately many hospital patients won’t have seen it or be watching the Olympics. Many have to pay up to £10 a day to access Freeview TV offered by Hospedia Ltd. They provide services for more than half of NHS hospitals including the Hallamshire and Northern General in Sheffield. Hospedia are owned by a private equity company, Marlin Equity Partners. There are reports of staff complaining about time wasted having to help patients find a Hospedia payment card dispenser.

Apparently, every time Danny Boyle sees David Cameron he asks him in if the NHS is safe. I doubt that he is reassured by the responses. Hospedia is just one of countless examples of the creeping privatisation of the NHS. Started under Labour and now put into overdrive by the coalition.

Yours Sincerely

Eamonn Ward

Sheffield Green Party

Topics: City Wide, Eamonn Ward, Featured, Health, Privatisation