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Where is Labour’s opposition to the benefit cuts?

austerityallpainnogainDear Sir

It was right and proper to see the struggle of those trying to cope with benefit changes and cuts on the Star front page on May 6th. Cuts to Citizens Advice Bureaux mean they can’t cope with the inevitable deluge of people needing help with numerous benefit changes and slashed household incomes.

Where is the massive public opposition to these unfair benefit cuts from Ed Milliband and Labour ? And how could a Labour council start making the poorest households pay 23% of their council tax bills for the first time ? In Rotherham, Labour took the government grant in return for capping payments at 8.5% of bills.

Yours Sincerely

Eamonn Ward

Star article-Helplines swamped after benefit cuts

Topics: City Wide, Council, Cuts, Eamonn Ward, Economy, Featured, Poverty