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Vote Green in the Arbourthorne by-election Feb 6th


Sheffield Green Party’s candidate for the Arbourthorne by-election on February 6th  was Jennyfer Barnard.


Labour…………..1398  52.2%
UKIP………………..482  18%
Conservative…….213   8%
TUSC……………….204   7.6%
LibDem…………….161  6%
Green………………143  5.3%
English Dems………75  2.8%

jenny barnardJen has lived on Myrtle Road with her family for eleven years.

She says “I am very aware of how people in Arbourthorne, Norfolk Park and Gleadless are suffering under the austerity imposed by the Conservative/ LibDem government. I am also concerned that the Labour Council has done little to protect the services like libraries and advice services that we all need to be able to live our lives.

Why Vote Green?

  • Greens oppose benefit cuts, and have been a part of the campaign against the bedroom tax.
  • The Greens are campaigning to keep local libraries such as Newfield Green open.
  • Green Party Councillors got extra pedestrian crossings and called  for 20mph speed limits on residential roads.
  • The Green Party want to cut fuel bills by insulating homes. This would also create new jobs.


Please display this Vote Green Party poster.

 Heeley Green Party on Facebook

Topics: Arbourthorne, Council, Cuts, Elections, Energy, General, Jennyfer Barnard, Libraries, Transport