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Greens attend Air Quality and Health conference


Anne Barr and Councillors Webster and Creasy at the Air Quality conference

A number of Sheffield Green Party members attended the Air Quality and Health Conference on October 17th, which was organised by the Sheffield East End Quality of Life Initiative.  The conference featured a number of speakers who discussed the political, medical and legal aspects of poor air quality in Sheffield and across the UK.
Brian Webster, the Green councillor for Broomhill, said:  “It was great to see so many people from all across Sheffield come together to discuss issues around poor air quality.  The conference was video-recorded, and this should be available online soon – it’s well worth a watch.”
The video recordings of the conference will be available soon at
At the full council meeting on October 1st, an amended version of a Green Party motion on poor air quality was passed.  It included a clause encouraging councillors of all parties to attend the Air Quality and Health conference.  Below are the second speeches given by Green cllrs Jillian Creasy and Brian Webster in the debate on that motion:

Councillor Jillian Creasy speech on Air Quality

Councillor Brian Webster summing up speech on Air Quality

The first speech can be found here.

Topics: Anne Barr, Brian Webster, Broomhill, City Wide, Council, General, Jillian Creasy, pollution