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Sheffield Pound project welcomed by Green Party

Peter Garbutt

Sheffield Green Party welcomes the proposed Sheffield Pound project (Sheffield Telegraph March 3). If it’s run like other local currencies, as in Bristol, Totnes, Exeter and Brixton, it will be a not-for-profit endeavour, putting people and environment ahead of profit and growth.

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) employ 58% of the private sector workforce. Recent Federation of Small Businesses research shows that for every £1 spent with SMEs, 63p was re-spent in the local area, compared to 40p in every £1 spent with a larger business. That shows that a Sheffield Pound could really benefit the city’s economy.

Independent businesses offer creative and distinctive alternatives to clone high streets. We think the Sheffield Pound idea will create a bit of a buzz and enhance the pride we all have in our city.

We look forward to the consultation period when the people of Sheffield can have their say. If we all get behind it, this could be a real boost for Sheffield.

Peter Garbutt
Crookes & Crosspool Green Party

Peter Garbutt is one of the three Green Party Candidates for Crookes and Crosspool for the 2016 Council Elections

Topics: City Wide, Crookes and Crosspool, Economy, Peter Garbutt