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Eastern Avenue Job Centre must be kept open

Dear Editor,

Congratulations to the Star for covering the important issue of the proposed closure of Eastern Avenue Job Centre (Staff strike to oppose closure plans for Eastern Avenue jobcentre).

I joined its staff and many supporters on the picket line last week.

Up to 7,000 people rely on this centre, and the alternative of having to travel into town – expensively by bus or with a long, hilly trek on foot – is simply not going to be possible for some of them, particularly those who are ill, have disabilities, or small children.

It’s unreasonable to expect someone to have to push a buggy from the centre of town to Manor Top for every visit

Job Centres should be in communities, close to where people live, so all of these closures are disturbing.  But the topography of Sheffield makes Eastern Avenue a particularly special case.  Whoever forms next government, they must keep this centre open.

Natalie Bennett,
Sheffield Green Party
Candidate for Sheffield Central

Topics: Central, Letters to the press, Manor Castle, Natalie Bennett