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Cllr Alison Teal vows to keep protecting trees despite threat of legal action

Alison Teal

Cllr Alison Teal

Responding to being served with a formal letter threatening legal proceedings, Cllr Alison Teal said,

“I will not be intimidated by a council intent on trying to steamroller its opposition into silence. I’ll keep protesting because this act of environmental vandalism is completely unconscionable and I know how valuable these trees are to the surrounding communities.

“Thousands of Sheffield residents have now spoken out in defence of the perfectly healthy trees under threat and their concerns have been completely ignored. Support for our work is growing rather than shrinking and not just from people who care about trees but people who care about democracy as well.

“If anything, the council’s heavy-handed approach has fuelled our anger – it’s completely unacceptable to be threatening residents with legal action, suspending opposition councillors and allowing dawn raids on pensioners all to continue destroying our green spaces. This is not what a healthy democracy looks like.”

Topics: Alison Teal, City Wide, Council, Featured, Nether Edge and Sharrow, trees

There are 3 Responses to Cllr Alison Teal vows to keep protecting trees despite threat of legal action

30th June 2017

I have enormous respect for your bravery, integrity and commitment, at a time when trust in politicians is at an all time low. You shine like a beacon.

3rd July 2017

I’ve just nominated Alison Teal for Councillor of the Year!

    4th July 2017

    I really respect you for being prepared to put your head above the parapet and not allow yourself to be cowed by the bullying, toxic culture within the Council.