Here is the video of the hustings

The passcode to access it is: 4jK+KAMY

Job descriptions and Candidate Statements – Executive Officer Elections 2023

Campaigns coordinator (Job Share)

Campaigns Coordinator  Responsible for coordinating a forum for effective discussion which will assist members and Councillors to consider appropriate campaigns. Taking into consideration any significant current, or forthcoming, local and national political issues, the Campaigns Coordinator will facilitate discussions around any potential campaigning and publicity opportunities. The Campaigns Coordinator will assist members and the councillor group in identifying and developing ideas for local campaigns. Appropriate campaigns will be encouraged to be implemented by the relevant member/ councillor with the support of the Campaigns Coordinator. Responsible for co-ordinating campaigns meetings if held; planning and chairing meetings including drafting and circulating meeting agendas and ensuring that minutes are taken.

Brian Holmshaw

Brian Holmshaw






Kim Perry






We are applying for the role of Campaign Coordinator. We are both keen to push and promote new and existing campaigns which will hopefully bring members into the party and try to help pass important and positive campaign decisions that affect the Sheffield community.

Kim is new to the party and keen and enthusiastic to advocate for campaigns to help increase the popularity and successes of the party to gain members. He has experience as a town Councillor in his hometown of Shipston on Stour next to the Cotswolds. He also has been the chairman of a music festival committee for two years which ran a charity music festival called the Shipston Proms, which entailed setting up and organising 2 weeks’ worth of live music around 10-20 venues and managing a committee of voluntary people and currently an assistant scout leader here in Sheffield.

Brian is an established city Councillor for Broomhill and Sharrow Vale since May 2021. He has been active in supporting many local, educational, environmental, trade union, access rights and social justice activities in the city, including the recent campaign over the forced Academisation of King Teds school, on Red lines and on the re-instatement of the number 10/10a bus. He is also member of the cost-of-living strategy working group on the City Council. As a former member of the Planning and Highways committee he has a strong grasp of planning and of licensing concerns, and recently helped to set up a Buildings Preservation organisation in the city to restore old buildings and bring them into community use.

Working together we can bring our experience and energy to the role we can help champion campaigns with other activists and hope that this will increase the visibility and popularity of the Green Party.

Brian Holmshaw & Kim Perry

Young Person and Student Co-ordinator

Young People & Student Coordinator  Aims to promote Sheffield Green Party to young people and students in order to raise awareness, recruit volunteers, promote membership, and to engage in campaigns, and other major functions of the Party. This Coordinator represents the views of young people and students on the Executive and to the members so that the diverse views of all supporters and members are represented. This person must be a Young Green (under 30 or in full-time education).

Dylan Lewis- Creser






My name is Dylan Lewis-Creser, I live in Walkley, and I am your incumbent Young People and Student Coordinator. I was coopted in October 2022, and I’ve been working hard ever since on the Executive to ensure that Sheffield Green Party is not only well run as a whole, but represents the interests of young people in particular.

 We have 2 major universities in our city, with over 50,000 students, and the student vote is key to our success in many different wards: Broomhill & Sharrow Vale, City, Nether Edge and Sharrow, and others. I stood in Fulwood ward last year, to represent the student village and give young people their first taste of voting Green. We had 4 Young Green candidates in last years elections, and I want to increase that to be fully representative of our city.

 I am the incumbent Co-Chair of the national LGBTIQA+ Greens and sit on the national Political Committee with leadership, parliamentarians and group leaders, meaning that I know how Green Party groups are run successfully and in a way that can make a real impact on our communities. We have done so much already, from declaring a Climate and Nature Emergency, to affirming Sheffield as a City of Sanctuary and so much more, but we can do more with even more support and even more councillors.

 I endeavour, if re-elected, to use my knowledge to improve Sheffield Green Party into an organisation fit to win elections and fight for what’s right all across our great city.

 Kind regards, Dylan Lewis-Creser (they/them)


Media Team Coordinator

Responsible for overseeing, co-ordinating, and ensuring that there is agreement on the content (where needed), of print and online media submissions and comments. Monitoring the local press and sharing this with the Campaigns Group. Working with the councillor group where appropriate and everyone posting online for SGP,  including to our website, providing training where needed. Building and maintaining relationships with local and regional media outlets. The overall objective is to maximise positive coverage and reach while minimising risk via robust sign off processes. 

Josh Rowan – No picture –

I am applying for the role of Media Team Coordinator because of the importance of the Sheffield Green Party’s work being effectively communicated to the public. I studied BA Economics and Social Studies at the University of Manchester and I have an MSc in International Social Policy from the University of Sheffield, underpinning a solid understanding of political economic issues and an ability to communicate them. Prior to the last local elections, I began running the Sheffield Greens Instagram account, creating dynamic new content, and currently also run the new Threads account. I am hoping to continue this work, developing and implementing an efficient and impactful media strategy. Following discussions other volunteers have agreed to take up some other parts of the role, so I look forward to working with them.

Josh Rowan

Chair and Co-ordinator (Job Share)

Coordinates the activities of the Executive, and other Members, to ensure that plans are agreed and delivered collectively. Chair will ensure facilitation and planning of Executive Committee meetings and chair them. Overall responsibility for the facilitation and planning of monthly Members (and Members and supporters) meetings plus public meetings. Draft and circulate meeting agendas and ensure minutes are taken and circulated. Ensure meetings are orderly and productive with discussions held in a fair and balanced way, with awareness of equality and diversity throughout. Ensure that wider member interests are represented during members meetings and facilitate constructive discussions. For the purposes of Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 the Chair will be the second named contact (in addition to the Treasurer) for SGP.

Tina Gilligan –

Christine Gilligan Kubo






Douglas Johnson –

Councillor Douglas Johnson






Tina Gilligan and Douglas Johnson are willing to put themselves forward as joint chairs of Sheffield Green Party. Both are councillors. Douglas (City Ward) leads the group of 14 Sheffield Green councillors and chairs the Council’s Housing Policy Committee. Tina (Hillsborough ward) is Deputy Chair of the Council’s Transport, Regeneration and Climate change committee, as well as the Green member of the Governance Committee. She also chairs the Green councillor group.

We want to stand as co-chairs of SGP because we feel that there needs to be a closer link between SGP, Exec and the councillors.  As councillors, we are very busy trying to encourage Sheffield to be greener and to meet its Net Zero targets, as well as being involved in all areas of council activity. If we become co-chairs, we will have more involvement in how SGP engages with members and we will be able to bring our knowledge and experience of how SCC works and what is happening in the council directly to members.

We want a job share because, as councillors, we are very busy. Having two of us will make sure we can cover most meetings and will be able to make an active contribution to the exec.

Having active councillors as co-chairs, we hope, will help to engage members and encourage more support for SGP. We have a potentially big year.  We want to encourage more membership and engagement and fundraising to cover our election campaigns because we need to maintain our 14 councillors.  An unprecedented 6 seats are up for re-election this year, reflecting the party’s success in 2021 when we ended Labour’s majority rule. There is also the possibility of a general election at the same time.


Membership Coordinator  

Responds to potential new members enquiries. Welcoming new members to the party by sending out the SGP New Members information pack. Working with Ward Organisers and others to ensure new members are contacted in a timely manner. This will include direct contact with new members at times. Updating the GPEW Action Network members and supporters database as required to ensure it is as accurate and up to date. Developing a Membership Strategy to increase the number and activity of members, including a skills and volunteering offers audit. Encouraging members to be as active as possible, including involvement in the year round work that leads to the election of city councillors. 

Stewart Henderson –






Currently Ward Organiser for Southey, I would now like to step up to the role of Membership Coordinator.

I’m active within the party, helping out with leafleting, door-knocking and other campaigning activities. As Membership Coordinator my priority would be working with other Ward Organisers and the Executive to get more members involved in these key activities. In addition, I’d like to work closely with our Equalities & Diversity and Young People & Student Coordinators to increase membership from less represented groups

As a member of the Executive I will also contribute to the party’s broader governance by actively participating in Exec Meetings, Ward Meetings, Members Meetings, Campaigns, Action Days and Social Events.

I’ve served on the Exec before, in various roles, including a period as Members’ Newsletter editor. I also helped with the transition of our membership database to the new Action Network system, so know how to use it for things like data analysis and targeted mailings.

Being semi-retired and working freelance in Tech Training and Support, I have the time, flexibility and skills required for this important coordinator role.

I realise the Exec is often insufficiently diverse in its makeup, so would happily step down to a more supporting job share role in favour of someone who better meets that need.

Stewart Henderson