Join the party

Sign up to join the Green Party on the national Green Party website.

Ways to get involved

We always need volunteers to deliver leaflets and canvass for votes, but you may have a particular skill that you want to contribute to help the party. If you’d like to talk to someone about how you can help Sheffield Green Party, please contact

Social media

Follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram ,and share our work.

Local Ward Facebook Groups:

Create Change with Sheffield Green Party

From banning glyphosate to declaring a nature emergency to promoting better transport around the city, Sheffield Green Party works to actively change our city and our world for the better. The achievements of Sheffield Green Party are often built on ordinary supporters and members developing campaigns in their community and across the city. Our councillors themselves are personally involved in many campaigns, ranging from justice for refugees, to protection of historic buildings, to climate change activism.

Members and Supporters

We have monthly Members and Supporters meetings, usually in the evening on the second Monday of the month. The meetings often have speakers on topics of interest, and are also the sovereign decision making body of the party. Potential new members are very welcome to attend. Contact

Campaigns Group

This broad group organises local issue-based campaigns, supports our Green councillors, and liaises with other local campaigns. The group organises online and also meets in the evening on the second Wednesday of the month. For more information on the Campaigns Group, Contact

You can also sign up to Get Sheffield Moving, our campaign for better transport for all.

Transport Group

Discussing aspects of transport and air-quality related issues, mainly in the local and regional context. Online meetings are normally held in the evening on the second Thursday of the month. Contact Roy Morris for more information and ask him to put you on the mailing list for his transport news roundup!

Sheffield Young Greens

If you’re aged 16 – 30 or a full-time student you can get involved with the Sheffield Young Greens. We organise election action days, campaign on issues that impact young people, and chat about politics. Contact

Sheffield Green Party Cyclists

We don’t have meetings but give us an opportunity to get on our bikes, delivering leaflets, food parcels, anything really and we’re off! Contact Simon Geller.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee makes day-to-day decisions and holds monthly meetings to keep in touch and discuss issues. Members may attend meetings as observers but may be asked to leave the meeting for confidential or sensitive discussions. Normally held in the evening on the third Monday of the month. Contact

Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid

We became a member of this coalition in March 2023. Individuals can help by signing the pledge, receiving the newsletter and supporting the activities of the coalition. Email