General Election Thursday July 4th. Vote for Real Hope, Real Change

Wherever you live in Sheffield, you can Vote Green.

Sheffield Brightside and Hillsborough

Cllr Christine Gilligan Kubo

Christine Gilligan Kubo

Sheffield Central

Cllr Angela Argenzio

Cllr Angela Argenzio

Sheffield Hallam

Jason Leman

Sheffield Heeley

Cllr Alexi Dimond

Sheffield South East

Hannah Nicklin

Penistone and Stocksbridge

Andy Davies

The need for powerful Green voices in parliament has never been greater in what is a now or never decade for global warming.

The Conservatives are breaking Britain – they’re destroying our public services, ruining our precious nature and wrecking the climate. And Labour have none of the ambition or commitment to make a difference. Only Greens can be trusted to fight for people and the planet.

The general election will be held on Thursday July 4th 2024. Details of our candidates are below.

We urgently need donations to pay for our deposits (£500 each), campaign materials and posters. Unlike other parties we don’t get donations from big businesses or trade unions, so please give generously. Please join us and help get more Greens elected.


Please support the Green candidates at the following hustings. (If you are aware of hustings not on this list please let us know!)

Sunday 23rd June

Trades Council organised hustings for Heeley Constituency. 7.00pm, at The Heeley Institute, 147 Gleadless Rd, S2 3AF. Alexi Dimond to speak

Monday 24th June

Christchurch, Pitsmoor are organising a hustings for Brightside and Hillsborough on Monday 24th June, 7.00 – 9.00pm, at Christ Church, Pitsmoor Rd, S3 9AW. Christine Kubo Gilligan is on the panel.

Tuesday 25th June

7.30-9.30pm General Election hustings organised by  Christ Church Central on Fitzwilliam Street. Angela Argenzio on the panel. The evening will be chaired by Tim Davies (Minister at Christ Church Central) and Clare Smith-Keary (Trustee).

Bring your questions and listen to candidate responses.

Wednesday 26th June

The Sheffield Trades Council are organising city-wide [party reps] hustings on Wednesday 26th June, at 7.00pm, at the Central United Reformed Church, Norfolk Street, S1 2JB.


Penistone & Stocksbridge Hustings in the Steel Room at The Venue S36 1DY start time is 6:30pm. Andy Davies is on the panel.

Thursday 27th June

Central and Hallam Hustings 7.30-930pm organised by Crookes Church Eco Group  St Thomas Church S10 1UL. Angela Argenzio on the panel. More details to follow.

To sign up and ask a question in advance click here

Friday 28th June CANCELLED

6.30-8.30pm All Saints School Granville Road. NEU organised hustings on Education. Alexi Dimond on panel. Unfortunately the school has cancelled this event

Monday 1st July

7pm ISRAAC, Vestry Hall, 54 Cemetery Rd, S11FP [just behind Waitrose], for the Sheffield Central Constituency. Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the Trades Council  at ISRAAC. Angela Argenzio on the panel.




Manifesto Downloads

Click the graphic for the web version.

You will find Easy Read, Short Version and Long Version of the manifesto here. 

National Election Broadcast



Please direct enquiries as follows  

Press – Douglas Johnson,  

Requests for window posters and garden stakes (please include name and address) – Kim Perry, 

Policy requests from NGOs – Marieanne Elliot,

Volunteering to help with the campaign – Stewart Henderson, 

To contact our 6 candidates


For all other enquiries please contact

Important dates

Action Timeline
Deadline for registering to vote 23.59 Tuesday 18 June
Deadline for applying for a postal vote 17.00 Wednesday 19 June
Deadline for applying for a proxy vote 17.00 Wednesday 26 June
Deadline for applying for a Voter Authority Certificate 17.00 Wednesday 26 June
Polling day 07.00 – 22.00 Thursday 4 July



Information about voting including registration, postal voting and Voter ID needed is here


Your Green candidates

Real Hope, Real Change.

General Election Candidates 2024
Sheffield Brightside and Hillsborough-Cllr Christine Gilligan Kubo

Christine Gilligan Kubo

I have lived in the Hillsborough area since 1993. I was elected as a councillor for the Hillsborough ward in May 2020 and re-elected in May 2024.

I was a university lecturer researching sustainability, and responsible business practice before I became a councillor and was active in several local and citywide voluntary groups, including Sheffield Renewables, an organisation aiming to provide renewable energy for community buildings. Continue reading.

Sheffield Central Cllr Angela Argenzio

Cllr Angela Argenzio

I have lived in Sheffield for nearly 28 years and have raised my family here. I first worked in the city as a teacher and for the last 9 years in the voluntary sector, working with disabled people and with migrants. Currently I work for City of Sanctuary Sheffield (I was previously a trustee for 6 years).
I have been a councillor for Broomhill and Sharrow Vale ward for the past five years. As a leading member of Sheffield City Council, I chair the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee as well as the Health and Wellbeing Board. Continue reading.

Sheffield Hallam Jason Leman

Voters in Sheffield Hallam have a choice. To send a message to those in power that we need to change course, or just carry on the same old path. I want to see a country that invests for a more secure future, has an economy that works for everyone, and public services built on community and cooperation

I’ve been resident in Sheffield for thirty years and have been in Hallam for most of that time. Continue reading

Sheffield Heeley- Cllr Alexi Dimond

I am a Sheffield City Councillor for Gleadless Valley Ward (re-elected in May 2024) and live in the Heeley constituency. I have campaigned on numerous issues from climate action to the nature emergency, to advocacy for the rights of Palestinians, for the rights of refugees, in support of human rights, racial equality, LGBTQI+ rights, disability rights and against austerity, the Iraq War and the Conservative Government’s attacks on our democracy, environment and communities. Continue Reading

Sheffield South EastHannah Nicklin

After being involved in student and environmental protests in my 20s and living the majoirty of my adult life under Tory rule I have been disheartened to see Keir Starmer’s Labour Party give up on building better. Both Labour and Conservatives tell us they see the problems we face, but neither are brave or honest about solutions. The Green Party is – we put people and workers at the heart. Set out to increase wages; lower bills; protect the NHS; create green jobs; connect towns and villages with public transport and infrastructure which improves our lives, our health, and our wellbeing. I’m proud to stand for the Greens in 2024. Continue Reading

Penistone and Stocksbridge-Andy Davies

I am a passionate, energetic, and hard-working person committed to helping nature and communities around my home in Oughtibridge, in the Sheffield part of the Penistone and Stocksbridge constituency.

Having voted Green in 2015, I was a Labour member during Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership but returned to the Greens as the only party that truly reflects my beliefs of fairness, social equity, and environmental protection. I have been actively engaged in campaigning to elect Green councillors in the neighbouring Hillsborough ward in 2022, 2023 and 2024. Continue Reading

Help us win!

The Green Party are funded by members and supporters. We don’t have the backing of big business or trade unions. Help us win in Sheffield by donating to help pay for newsletters, leaflets, posters and social media.
Donate now

Are you likely to be out of Sheffield on polling day?

Don’t worry you can still vote, find out how to apply for a postal or proxy vote.

Register to vote