Andy Davies talks about his campaign

I am a passionate, energetic, and hard-working person committed to helping nature and communities around my home in Oughtibridge, in the Sheffield part of the Penistone and Stocksbridge constituency.

Having voted Green in 2015, I was a Labour member during Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership but returned to the Greens as the only party that truly reflects my beliefs of fairness, social equity, and environmental protection. I have been actively engaged in campaigning to elect Green councillors in the neighbouring Hillsborough ward in 2022, 2023 and 2024. 

As a teacher and contractor in Countryside Management, I understand the value that nature brings to people. We should all be proud of the incredible green and blue spaces in our constituency such as the River Don, parts of the Peak District, and a wealth of reservoirs. A key aim is to improve community access to these, especially for those who don’t drive, who can be the most isolated in any community. I would fully utilise schemes such as the Green Infrastructure Framework to reinvigorate and reconnect fragmented habitats.

Too often, agriculture is viewed as opposed to nature and farmers need winning round to the Green Party. I see the value that local farmers bring to the area and would work with them to cultivate nature without cutting income. I want to see closer ties between the agricultural community and environmental groups and have the understanding and experience to make this happen.

We must campaign to halt the downward spiral of service cuts and price hikes which simply lead to fewer customers and further cuts. Bus services are vital in rural communities, and these essential public services must be taken back under public control. We need to increase the frequency of bus services within the constituency, to Sheffield, Barnsley, and the Peak District.

I support the campaign to re-open the Don Valley Railway to deliver Stocksbridge residents to Sheffield quickly and regularly, alongside the Upper Don Trail for an ‘active travel’ route. These projects would remove cars from our roads, improving safety and air quality; bringing innumerable benefits to the health, well-being, economy and happiness of our population.

I believe local decisions should be taken by local people; I would push for more powers to local councils and regions, and would work closely with the Sheffield City Region mayor to further increase the devolution of powers. I hope never again to see the sheer arrogance that led to Sheffield’s tree-felling scandal.

Thankfully we now have a greater chance of eradicating this thinking after the successful citywide referendum delivering a new governance system in Sheffield City Council with 14 Green councillors working hard towards these aims. Similarly, I support efforts to investigate decision-making and spending within the £24 million Stocksbridge Town Deal to improve transparency and accountability.

As the Green candidate for Penistone and Stocksbridge, I pledge to focus on bringing nature into the heart of our community, improving ties within the community, and delivering better public transport and increased devolution of powers.

To help Andy’s campaign please donate to the Crowdfunder,  join the Green Party and Get Involved.

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Sheffield General Election 2024