Your donation can make a big difference. Sheffield Green Party relies on your donations. We haven’t got big business or trade unions to support us, and so all our work depends on donations from our supporters.
Our General Election Crowdfunder is the easiest way you can donate:
The Green Party has an ethical donation policy –
What your donation could fund:
£10 will pay for 250 window posters
£25 will pay for an election leaflet to 1000 households
£50 will pay for a campaign newsletter to 2000 households
£500 will pay for an election deposit at the General Election
Make a regular donation
You can set up a standing order in favour of Sheffield Green Party by quoting sort code 08-92-99 and account number 65151376. Please mark it “Donation & your name”. Please advise our Treasurer that you have done this via
Alternatively, print off and return this Standing order form (pdf).
Make a one-off donation
You can donate online via PayPal (no PayPal account required)
Or by cheque payable to “Sheffield Green Party”, to The Treasurer, Sheffield Green Party, 11 Anchor Point, 323 Bramall Lane, Sheffield, S2 4RQ. Please include your name and address when sending.
If your donation is over £500 please see the information below (and thanks!).
Donations over £500
All levels of donation are gratefully received, but please note that under electoral regulations, we can only accept donations over £500 if you are currently on the UK electoral register. We will need to check your eligibility and provide your information to the Electoral Commission, which may publish donors’ details. If donating more than £500 please provide us with your name and full address by email to treasurer@sheffieldgreenparty.
By making a donation you confirm that you are eligible to make political donations in the UK and that this donation is not made for and on behalf of any other person. All donations are received subject to the regulations of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.
Buy Nice Stuff!
We also have a range of clothing from which we receive the proceeds. The whole range is made with Certified Organic Cotton, vegan, made in a renewable energy-powered factory audited for a wide range of social and sustainability criteria, printed in the UK with low-waste printing tech and delivered in paper packaging. Part of the range are ‘Remill’ circular economy products that are made by recycling the old, worn-out products that are sent back when no longer of use.
Click here to go to our shop!.