Cllr Douglas Johnson in front of retrofitted houses

Greens welcome big energy efficiency improvements to Council homes.

13th April 2023

Green Party Councillor Douglas Johnson, who is Chair of the Council’s Housing Committee, has welcomed significant investment to improve the…

Christine Gilligan Kubo

Hillsborough Park to get new accessible toilets for severely disabled people

11th April 2023

Hillsborough Park to get new accessible toilets for severely disabled people Green Party Councillors have welcomed news that the Council…

Toby Mallinson with window poster saying "I support my postie."

Why post is not arriving in Hillsborough, Walkley and across the city.

10th April 2023

Senior bosses at Royal Mail have just been hauled before a Parliamentary Select Committee. Their report outlined that the company had…

Sheffield Greens launch election campaign to tackle inequalities alongside climate crisis

6th April 2023

Sheffield Green Party have launched their city council election campaign with a pledge to tackle inequalities at the same time…

Greens welcome reprieve for former Highfield Coffee and Cocoa House building

5th April 2023

A developer has withdrawn their application to demolish the former Highfield Coffee and Cocoa House building on London Road following…

Find your local election candidate here!

5th April 2023

Sheffield Green Party is once again running a full slate of candidates by standing in every ward in Sheffield in…

Poorly designed and built housing with no balconies or green space impacts residents’ mental health and wellbeing.

2nd April 2023

A recent city centre planning application for housing on Haymarket has been refused by council officers as it would mean…

Sign the pledge to support the Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid

29th March 2023

On Saturday March 25th March some Green Party members joined with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Sheffield Extinction Rebellion to…

2023/24 Sheffield Green Group Budget Amendment

22nd March 2023

Amendment to be moved by Councillor Douglas Johnson, seconded by Councillor Angela Argenzio That the Motion to approve the recommendations…

Sheffield City Council agrees budget in first Budget meeting under a committee system

21st March 2023

Sheffield City Council has agreed its first budget under a committee system Councillor Douglas Johnson said, “This is a success…

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site