Greens at the Stop the War on Gaza rally. 28th Oct 2023

Make our city an Israeli apartheid-free zone

19th February 2024

In the 1980s, following a campaign by Sheffield leaders and anti-apartheid activists, Sheffield became the first council in the country…

Green Councillors Alexi Dimond and Marieanne Elliot call for resignations.

Greens back open politics

16th January 2024

A recent letter to the Star stated that the Lowcock Report on the felling of 5,474 street trees “revealed the…

Cllrs Henry Nottage, Christine Gilligan Kubo and Toby Mallinson at Hillsborough Park

Tramlines damage affects Hillsborough businesses

8th October 2023

Many people come to the Tramlines Festival from near and far and have a great time. The event has boosted…

We must get buses back under local control.

9th August 2023

In the ongoing disaster that is South Yorkshire’s bus services, I welcome all efforts by the Mayor, Oliver Coppard, to…

Martin Phipps

 Labour say they will not revoke the gas and oil licences. Only the Green Party will act on the climate emergency.

8th August 2023

July 2023 was the hottest month on record. In Southern Europe, there were wildfires near Athens in Greece and in…

Christine Gilligan Kubo

Letter to The Star – How low will this Tory government stoop to boost its re-election chances?

1st August 2023

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has ordered a review of low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs), saying that he is on the side…

Devastating impacts from the loss of the 52A from Hillsborough to Wadsley, Wisewood and Loxley.

30th April 2023

Councillor George Lindars-Hammond’s suggestion that other parties “are blocking better bus services for Wisewood and Wadsley” (Letters April 28) is…

Cllr Ruth Mersereau

Housing is key for Greens

20th April 2023

Dear Editor City Ward Green councillors, Sheffield Green Party and the Green Party nationally are committed to high housing standards.…

Peter Gilbert at the Porter Brook Clean Up

Water company Chief Executives receive £15m in bonuses while sewage is dumped in our rivers.

16th April 2023

Dear Editor As global temperatures continue to increase it is clear we need to do something to maintain the security…

Graham Wroe and Natalie Bennett tree campaigning in Norfolk Park

Sheffield Labour Party have learnt absolutely nothing from the Lowcock Report

15th April 2023

A letter to the Sheffield Star I was horrified to see the letter from Cllr Peter Price (Sheffield Star 10/04/23…

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site