Sheffield Green Party Council Election Manifesto 2018
Elect more Green councillors on May 3rd – it matters!
Green councillors act in the best interests of local people. We push hard for openness, transparency and local democracy – unlike Sheffield Labour councillors who run the risk of being suspended if they do not follow their party’s line.
Greens focus on the issues that matter to you:
Local Democracy and Privatisation – Greens have always opposed privatising public services like highway maintenance (including street tree felling), bin collection, and housing maintenance – these services need to be run for public good not private profit. We’ve campaigned to see the full details of these private contracts and got a promise for Council meetings to be broadcast, opening up the democratic process.
Health – Greens have campaigned to keep the Minor Injuries Unit and Walk-In Centre open. Labour councillors all voted against a motion calling on the Council to campaign to keep them in the current, easily accessible, central locations.
Transport, road safety and air pollution – We’ve campaigned for better public transport and safer cycling and walking options so people can choose to leave their cars at home, reducing congestion for all road users while improving dangerous air pollution and road safety. We’ve called for the introduction of 20mph zones on residential streets citywide, instead of Labour’s very expensive ‘piece-by-piece’ approach, and pushed successfully for the city centre 20mph zone now going ahead.
Better Homes – Green budget proposals would have put more money into better standards for private renters. We call for more affordable social housing. The Labour council is allowing big new developments with little affordable housing despite the massive, increasing need.
Local communities and tackling anti-social behaviour – Greens have given priority to support for communities, including local policing teams and PCSOs to tackle anti-social behaviour and crime. We’ve opposed Labour’s cuts to street cleaning.
Greens stand for local-level decision-making and action, not top-down decision making by the Labour Cabinet without genuine public and community consultation.