Angela Argenzio was elected as a councillor for Broomhill and Sharrow Vale in May 2019 and is your candidate for Broomhill and Sharrow Vale.
“I lived locally for nearly 10 years – my children attended Broomhall Children’s Centre and King Edward VII School. I was a secondary school teacher for 16 years and for the past seven years I have worked in the voluntary sector: for five years for a disability charity and for the last two for a homeless charity. I’m also the trustee of a local human rights organisation.
I’m an EU citizen who moved from Italy to Sheffield 26 years ago and have raised my family here. I love how diverse the ward is and I am engaged with many community groups in all parts of the ward: in the nearly four years since being elected, I have supported the volunteer group BBEST to get their Neighbourhood Plan to the referendum stage and finally passed in 2021. I support the Hanover TARA in all their dealings with Sheffield City Council and I was instrumental in the publication of the report about the cladding of the Hanover Tower in 2020. I regularly support litter picks in Broomhill, Broomhall and Hunters Bar as well as attending as many community meetings as I can.
Since being elected in 2019, I have been a member of various SCC committees: Health Scrutiny, Licensing and Audit & Standards. I am particularly interested in governance and finance so I am pleased to still be a member of the Audit & Standards committee. In the municipal year 2021-22, I was the Adviser to the Executive Member for Inclusive Economy and skills, taking particular interest in the skills and adult education side of the portfolio and concentrating on expanding the offer of training for green jobs in Sheffield.
Since May 2022 I have been the Co-chair of the Adult Health & Social Care Policy Committee and a member of the Strategy & Resources Policy Committee. I am also the Deputy Speaker for the Green Group at Sheffield City Council.
As Co-chair of the AHSC Policy Committee, I have set the tone for our work ethics by co-chairing with a Councillor from another group and involving the deputy (from the third group) from the very start. The three groups have been involved in every single decision and we have made every single one by consensus. The AHSC Committee is often used as an example in SCC of how well the committee system can work despite the fact that we had to find the most savings for the 23-24 budget (47% of all SCC savings for the year)!
I am a team player: I work extremely close to my ward colleagues, Brian and Maleiki. We speak to each other virtually daily and meet at least once a week. We share the workload and we always try to do our best to support our constituents.
I also work closely with the whole Green Councillor Group and I am well respected by colleagues in other political groups.
I am very proud of my record as a councillor: I work hard and I am totally committed to the role to ensure that we get the best outcomes for a greener future for the citizens of Sheffield. If elected again I will continue to work hard to ensure that we achieve climate and social justice for our citizens and close the inequality gap in the city. In my role as a councillor, I am most happy when I am able to help residents.”
To volunteer to help the campaign or display a poster please contact Brian Holmshaw
Sheffield Council agrees budget in first budget meeting since committee system.
News from Broomhill and Sharrowvale Ward (includes recent newsletters)