Vote Green Party
This year, due to the cynical new legislation the Government have introduced, you will need a photo id to vote at a polling station. A list of acceptable ID cards is here.

Unfortunately the deadlines for applications to register to vote, or to vote by post have already passed. (see

  1. Where is my polling station?

Go to: Can you vote? ::: The Green Party and type in postcode

  1. I don’t have a driving licence or passport. What do I do?

You can take any of these things and they do not have to be in date or have an up to date photo

  1. I forgot to post my postal vote – take it to any polling station in your council area, all sealed as if you were going to post it. Or ask someone else to take your sealed postal vote to the polling station. Their nearest polling station can be found here if you type in postcode: Can you vote? ::: The Green Party Please remember that a campaigner cannot take a postal vote to the polling station or handle a postal vote in any way.
  2. My postal vote has not turned up – call your council urgently and ask for a replacement.

You can find their council’s phone number here if you type in their postcode:                                     Can you vote? ::: The Green Party

  1. I have lost my photo ID.

You can apply for what’s called an emergency proxy vote if you fill in a form and email it or send it to your council by 5pm – first one under the emergency section. They should be able to email this to their council but call them first to check the right address so it doesn’t get lost in the system. Links above with find the right phone number.

Proxy voting application forms – GOV.UK (

  1. I was going to vote but have been called away for work:

You can apply for what’s called an emergency proxy vote if you fill in a form and email it or send it to your council by 5pm – third one under emergency section. You must though have your employer or someone unrelated but knows you if self-employed fill in the form as well:

Proxy voting application forms – GOV.UK (

  1. I was going to vote but I am really ill all of a sudden:

You can apply for what’s called an emergency proxy vote if you fill in an emergency proxy form and email it or send it to your council by 5pm – second one under emergency section. It must however be signed by a professional such as a nurse or residential home warden, osteopath, anyone with a caring or health profession title:

Proxy voting application forms – GOV.UK (

  1. Labour/the Tories have a great big poster up right next to the polling station. It’s a disgrace. Can you complain please?

All campaigners are permitted to campaign outside of the curtilage of the polling place. They cannot campaign inside the polling place, e.g. next to the front door of the polling station, but posters can be visible from the polling station.

Campaign material and campaigning on polling day | Electoral Commission

  1. One of your campaigners is standing right next to the front door of the polling station asking questions. I want to make a complaint.

All parties are allowed to have up to one person next to the polling station entrance with a rosette. They are allowed to say hello and ask for polling numbers if they wish to. Our campaigners like to greet people and thank people for voting to show how serious we are. Not all parties have enough supporters or the desire to do that but other parties do it too in places.

Tellers guidance generic (

  1. I have a completed postal vote pack for the Green Party but I’m too ill to take it to the polling station. Can you pop round please?

So grateful for your support. The law doesn’t allow a party campaigner to collect postal vote packs but you can ask anyone else at all to take your sealed pack to the polling station for you – a neighbour, friend, relative, carer etc. Is there someone who might visit today or you could ring to pop round?