Privacy policy

1. This policy explains how Sheffield Green Party will protect any information you
provide to us.

Sheffield Green Party is the owner of the email list and its registered address is:

73 Eskdale Rd, Sheffield, S6 1SL

You can contact the site administrators in Sheffield at:

2. The information you provide to us will be used by us in order to maintain a register of supporters and supply you with updates on our work and  campaigning on behalf of people in Sheffield and Rotherham. It will not be used for other Green Party campaigns, or for national party news – which you can sign up to separately at

3. We will never voluntarily share your information with a third party, and will fight to the degree that we are able, any legal or government action that attempts to obtain such data.

4. We will not transfer any information that we hold on you to any email or internet service provider outside the European Economic Area.

5. Under the Data Protection Act, you may at any time request a copy of all information we hold on you (for which we may charge a small fee to offset our administration costs) by writing to us at the above address.

6. This site uses cookies to improve your browsing experience. They help pages load faster and identify you if you leave a comment. We also use cookies to stop bots posting spam on comments and to help when people register on the site. . We use cookies for Google analytics too which gives us information about how many people are using the site and which area they are from. You can delete cookies at any time by using the tools on your browser. Sheffield Green Party does not use cookies to track your browsing or invade your privacy in any way.