Please contact candidates via e-mail to ask questions or seek more information about their candidacy before voting
Chair & Coordinator Co-ordinates the activities of the Executive, and other Members, to ensure that plans are agreed and delivered collectively. Chair will ensure facilitation and planning of Executive Committee meetings and chair them. Overall responsibility for the facilitation and planning of monthly Members meetings plus public meetings. Draft and circulate meeting agendas and ensure minutes are taken and recorded. Ensure meetings are orderly and productive with discussions held in a fair and balanced way, with awareness of equality and diversity throughout. Ensure that wider member interests are represented during members meetings and facilitate constructive discussions. For the purposes of Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 the Chair will be the second named contact (in addition to the Treasurer) for SGP.
Chair & Coordinator candidate Umberto Albarella – 
I am a Professor of Zooarchaeology at the University of Sheffield and have 45 years of experience in political activism. Originally from Naples (Italy), I’ve lived in Britain for 30 years and 18 years in Sheffield, a city I’ve learned to love. Since the 1970s I’ve campaigned on issues of social and environmental justice, peace, and human and animal rights. I’m a trade union activist and have objected strongly to the cynical marketisation of the university. I’ve managerial experience at many different levels, including in international organisations.
I’m mainly inspired by the concept of ‘mutual aid’, namely the belief that human society can thrive far more through cooperation than competition. I adopt this concept in my work, establishing non-hierarchical and friendly cooperation among my team members. I’ve always voted Green, and in the 1980s I contributed to the creation of the Green Party in Italy. After many years of disillusionment with party politics, I became a member of the Green Party of England and Wales in 2015 and have since been actively involved with the Sheffield group.
Though I am more naturally a grassroots than a committee person, I’m standing for this position as I want to contribute more to the life of the Party. After many years of operating as a ‘lone wolf’, I’ve found my political home in the Green Party but I feel that we need to improve our level of internal and external communication and find a way to resolve our disagreements more amicably. To be a Green also means to learn tolerance and respect for others and we need to lead by example. I’ll also work in involving the general membership more and encouraging bold action in the city, to reinforce the role of the Green Party as a genuine community-based political force.
Digital & Data Coordinator Develops and implements a plan on the digital technology uses for the local Green Party. They will assess the technology software needs of the Party, in particular with regard to data collection, storage and use. The Digital and Data Coordinator leads the implementation of the current canvassing and Member platform and CRM used; they will lead on assessment and implementation of an alternative platform if/when appropriate. They will lead on policy on, for example: Member data and CiviCRM interfaces; email protocols; canvassing data needs; google docs protocol for sharing documents; and other ongoing data needs. They act as the person responsible for raising and progressing any GDPR issues. The Digital and Data Coordinator may coordinate and lead two volunteer teams: one for the ‘user needs’ – a reference groups of data and technology users; and the other for ‘technology implementation’ – a group of technology experts to support the back-end development.
Digital & Data Coordinator candidate Maroof Raouf – 
I wish to apply for the SGP exec position of digital and data officer.
This role would suit me as it would work well with my experience and skillset around data science. As a political party we have access to so much data, yet we do very little with it; I am hoping to drive our information and analytics strategy to try to progress our Party to a more modern method of working, where we use all the technologies available to us.
I want to also champion and safeguard access to out data across the Party and I am able to do that as I have strong experience of ensuring data is kept safe and accurate, as well as being aware of the DPA 2018; this has been through teaching DPA 2018 to adults as well as under 18s and having been one of the key interviewers on colleagues understanding of the DPA.
It has become apparent that in recent years campaigning has become more complex as many new technologies and comms tools have developed. I believe through my experience of using some of these new technologies, I can help support the Party in using the latest technology and marketing techniques so we can all understand our potential voters which will allow us to communicate our political messages more effectively.
Finally, I know there are currently a number of data projects that are being worked on and I can help support these through my experience in programming and IT services. Even though I cannot guarantee my time commitments on a weekly basis, I am confident that having read the job description I will be able to do the work required should support be forthcoming from the wider Party.
Elections Co-ordinator Responsible for the overall coordination of election campaigns working with the Campaigns Organiser (staff member). This includes awareness of scheduled elections and by-elections via liaison with council Electoral Services, recruitment and selection of candidates, the formation of campaign organisation teams, the running of election campaigns and annual strategy review meetings normally held after each election. They may run candidate selection processes but that can also be done by a separately appointed Electoral Returning Officer. The Elections Coordinator chairs meetings as and when required involving key people involved in year round Ward work and elections to move forward actions in line with the electoral cycle. They will need to allocate increasing time in the 6 months leading to scheduled elections with much less time required in the summer and autumn when elections are held in May as normal. The Elections Coordinator will work with the Treasurer and Chair to ensure all legal and financial requirements are complied with during all election campaigns. The Election Agent liaises with the Council to receive regular electoral roll data and ensure this is disseminated around the relevant Officers and others working actively on the campaign as appropriate.
Elections Co-ordinator candidate Thomas Atkin & Bex Whyman (job share) – & 
We have made some phenomenal gains in Sheffield over the past few years and are a real threat to Labour and the Lib Dems. The next few elections will be tough, as we expand our reach and gain more support from across the city. We want to keep this green surge going, and we are the best people to do this. We want to grow our membership and take our members with us as we grow, diversify our candidates and push for our party to be Sheffield’s second party by 2027. We need to build on our gains, including the amazing result in Ecclesall and the growing green presence in Graves Park, whilst also analyzing what we need to do differently next election in wards like Nether Edge and Sharrow and Walkley.
We complement one another, from working together on the mayoral campaign, we know each other inside and out, we always find common ground and work through them.
Tom is extremely adaptable, available and committed. They work at a fast pace keeping momentum going. They also are keen to identify stakeholders and keep the relationship positive.
Bex is well versed at forward planning, gaining support, managing key stakeholder relationships and increasing accessibility. Drawing from the experience of working with a global technology company, she will ensure the big election picture is in our minds.
We both work transparently, communicate effectively and deal with conflict in a kind, compassionate and firm way.
We will encourage and actively increase the representation in the Sheffield Green Party for people of colour, LGBTQIA+, people with disabilities, Jewish and muslim communities. We are keen to work with others to fulfill our role and work directly with members in order to keep them informed and harness their expertise and increase membership along with member participation.
Equalities and Diversity Officer Aims to promote good relations and practices towards diversity and represents the interests of different minority groups. They cover various kinds of equality and diversity, including protected characteristics, such as: age, disability, sex, trans status, socioeconomic class, parenthood, race and ethnicity, religious or political belief, gender, and sexual orientation. They ensure that all members have equal access to the development of the Party and the implementation of Party campaigns and aim to confront negative attitudes. They may also provide advice, guidance and support on equality and diversity issues; promote changes within organisations and the wider community; contribute towards writing, implementing and reviewing policy; present reports and recommendations; and deliver presentations and workshops.
Equalities & Diversity Officer candidate – Rachel Hardy 
I’m applying for the Equality and Diversity post. It’s an important post as the party is attempting to address the issues raised in the recent Diverse Matters report.
A main point in the report was that GP staff members and candidates for elected posts ‘do not represent the general population particularly with regards to race’. This is certainly true in SGP. The recent Race Equality Commission report gives useful ideas for ways forward. I will discuss with one of the authors how SGP can adopt its recommendations.
Elsewhere, Brighton & Hove held an event for people of colour to explain the duties of Councillors. There’ll be other ideas out there.
The report also noted the ‘ongoing conflict around sex and gender’. I’ve known about the conflict for 6+ years; it was why I left GP briefly before re-joining 2 years ago. I believe talking and being informed about the issues is the best way forward, so I’d seek to facilitate discussions; we need to reach agreement on how to work together on GP issues. The climate emergency won’t wait for us to agree on things we are unlikely to agree on, but we’re all needed in the fight.
The Equality Act 2010 protects these characteristics; age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, race, religion, marriage and civil partnership and maternity. I’d focus on these initially, discussing later other areas that could fall within the role.
I’ve recently been diagnosed with autism, explaining my dislike of large groups, and my occasional difficulty with communication. Looking at how disability affects people’s ability to take part in SGP meetings and activities is a priority. In a national GP survey, 8% said disability affected their ability to take part; I’d focus on talking to people directly to discover their issues and how to help.
Equalities & Diversity Officer candidate – Siobhan Laird 
I am from the LGBTQ+ community and have personal experience of discrimination and how it undermines a confident identity, self-esteem, feeling safe and having a sense of belonging. I am also aware of the need for a proactive effort to make our organisation, its environments and groups, welcoming for people from diverse backgrounds. This often requires us to change how we routinely do things, to make coming along to meetings or participating in activities, accessible, inviting and more comfortable for individuals from minoritized backgrounds. Sometimes, for those of us from influential social groups, such as being able-bodied, it can be difficult to fully appreciate the challenges and needs of those from other less privileged groups. That is why actively finding out about the experiences of people from diverse communities is so important.
Aside from personal experience, in my employment as a trainer, I regularly deliver workshops addressing discrimination and exclusion in relation to race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, disability and poverty. I encourage the people who attend my training sessions, to consider how these aspects of difference can also come together for an individual, to create layers of reinforcing inequalities and discrimination. The Race Equality Commission Report for Sheffield has already identified the need for equality, diversity and inclusion to be embedded in: our organisation’s culture; our systems and procedures; how we govern ourselves; how we empower people from diverse backgrounds to speak-out and speak-up when their needs are not being adequately addressed, or to share their ideas for improvements. If I was appointed as the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Officer, I would set out to gather feedback from both party members and non-party members as to how well we appeal to and cater for the diverse communities that make up our city.
Equalities & Diversity Officer candidate – Beverley Bennett 
My name is Beverley Bennett. I was born in the 60s at Nether Edge hospital in Sheffield and went to Abbeydale nursery through to Abbeydale Grange Secondary school then Granville college. I have a interracial and diverse family, I’m also Afro Caribbean, my husband Alan is Irish and English, our children and grandchildren are dual heritage.
In 2003 I was homeless for 9 months but 3 months later I was a volunteer support worker for Shelter helping other families. In 2007 I was temporarily paralysed and had major surgery so I could walk again. The following year I started up my own mobile catering business called Cool Runnings Café. Over the next 10 years I also became a promoter and events organizer for Sheffield music artists before starting The Independent Caribbean Kollective (TICK), where I am still team leader to this day.
In 2017 I had to give up Cool Runnings Café to be my husband’s carer. From racism to homelessness to disability I have known how important equality and diversity are. I am a sociable, friendly and helpful person and I am respected in many areas in the Sheffield city communities, Just like my dad. I love to cook and feed anyone like my mum. My motto is come and join my party, the grass is greener and keeps on growing for the now generation to keep on passing the baton. Peace be the journey.
Governance and Policy Coordinator The Policy and Governance Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that SGP operates within GPEW guidelines and in accordance with the SGP and GPEW constitutions. Dealing with directing the internal processes and systems needed to enable good governance. Where necessary, creating frameworks and formulating policy. They are responsible for keeping up to date with GPEW requirements regarding good governance and policy, and providing advice, guidance and support on this.
Governance and Policy Coordinator candidate Tansy Hutchinson 
I am standing as Governance and Policy Coordinator because I believe that I can use my experience to enable the Sheffield Green Party to sustain and build its impact locally and nationally.
I have a strong personal commitment to social justice and building a fairer, more sustainable society. I grew up in a rural community and experienced many of the barriers the Green Party is fighting against now, such as a lack of public transport forcing reliance on cars. But I also saw the strength of a community willing to work together to develop a more sustainable future.
In my professional life I have worked on social justice issues in law and public policy for over 20 years – I began in the early 2000’s working for race equality NGOs in Northern Ireland and Europe before moving into the public sector to work for the equality regulator and then for the Westminster Parliament where I provided impartial policy advice to select committees and designed evidence sessions, including accountability sessions with Government Ministers. I currently work in the voluntary sector, for an equality and human rights organisation.
I have experience of charity governance and of parliamentary committee procedure and a strong understanding of national policy and politics. As a relative newcomer to Sheffield I can see the difference the Green Party is making here, and would welcome the chance to be a part of that change.
Governance and Policy Coordinators candidate Liam Hardy & Graham Wroe (job share) – &

Liam was co-opted to this role 3 months ago to help the Executive run successful meetings and think about improvements to the constitution. Graham would like to join him in a job share.
The Governance of the party is critical and it is crucial the constitution is kept up to date and members are encouraged to get involved and feel they have a say in the important decisions the party makes. The constitution needs updating to include, for instance, how responsibility is delegated from the membership to the executive and councillor group. We may benefit from incorporating ideas from other local parties. If elected we will lead a task and finish group of volunteers to propose an updated constitution to the next AGM.
As a recent election candidate Graham experienced a drop in communications after he failed to get elected. No longer having access to Councillors’ online discussions made him realise how little involvement the majority of members in the party experience. We want to ensure ordinary members participate in decision-making, by using questionnaires to consult on important decisions.
Liam joined Sheffield Green Party in 2015, stood as a target ward candidate in Walkley in 2016, and has helped with electioneering activities in all active wards, as well as contributing to the general election campaign in Sheffield Central. He works for an environmental think tank.
Graham has been an active member of Sheffield GP for four decades. He stood for Parliament in 1992, as a Council candidate in Manor Castle from 1994 until 2016 and in Nether Edge and Sharrow this year. He has previously served as Chair, Secretary and Website Officer. Graham retired from teaching maths earlier this year.
We acknowledge we are both men but promise to do all we can to involve more women and non-binary people.
Media Team Coordinator Responsible for overseeing, co-ordinating, and ensuring that there is agreement on the content (where needed), of print and online media submissions and comments. Working with the councillor group and everyone posting online for SGP, including to our website, providing training where needed. Building and maintaining relationships with local and regional media outlets. The overall objective is to maximise positive coverage and reach while minimising risk via robust sign off processes.
Media Team Coordinator candidate Noel O’Reilly – 
As an experienced journalist and people manager, I feel qualified to take on the role of media team coordinator. I’ve lived in Sheffield for two and a half years, and I have been active in Sheffield Green Party through leafleting, supporting events and writing letters and articles for the local press.
As well as writing letters, I have commented on those of other party members. I have developed contacts in the local press, and in the media coordinator role I would extend my press contacts in the region. During the 2022 local election campaign I took part in a ‘letters club’ with SGP members Jason Leman and Graham Wroe.
I had a thirty-year career in business magazines, editing several publications, including Personnel Today, a weekly print magazine for HR professionals with a circulation of over 30,000 (now online only). As editor, I led an award-winning campaign that aimed to get the government to simplify red tape preventing refugees and asylum seekers gaining employment in the UK.
My main occupation currently is writing fiction (my second historical novel will be published by Harper Collins on 8th December).
Priorities as media team coordinator would be to gain an overview of the party’s media presence in print and online, coordinate the activity of members and encourage team working. A key aim would be to ensure councillors’ work was supported by a steady stream of letters, news stories and online content.