Sheffield has some great campaigning and pressure groups that are working on issues that are important to the Green Party.
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Campaigning Groups
South Yorkshire Climate Alliance
Tackling climate change in South Yorkshire
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Sheffield Fruit Trees
Growing and planting fruit trees
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Sheffield Food Banks
Emergency food supplies
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Cycle Sheffield
Streets for People
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Sheffield Trees Action Group
Save Sheffield Trees
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Sheffield Vegans
Share vegan/veggie related recipes, events, food growing, topics, advice
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Sheffield Renewables
Community owned renewable energy
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Fruit and Veg box scheme plus lots more!
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Zero Carbon Yorkshire
Reduce your carbon footprint
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Our bodies our streets
Tackling the issues of catcalling and harassment in our city.
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South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Group
Educate ourselves about Asylum and Migrant Rights
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Nether Edge and Sharrow Sustainable Transformation
Improve the environment. in Nether Edge and Sharrow
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Sheffield Litterpickers
Help clean up Sheffield
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Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust
Protecting wildlife on our doorstep
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Green New Deal South Yorkshire
Campaigning to build back better with a Green New Deal
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Sheffield Greenpeace
Action to protect our planet
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Sheffield Friends of the Earth
See things differently
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Sheffield Climate Justice Coalition
Coalition of groups working for Climate Justice
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Kids Plant Trees
Enabling kids to plant trees and create woodlands
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Sheffield TUC
Coordinating the work of Sheffield Trade Unions
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Christian Climate Action
Christians campaigning on the climate
Sheffield Extinction Rebellion
Rebel to demand a future
Foodworks Sheffield
Upcycling surplus food and community growing
Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Campaign for an end to apartheid in Israel
Reyt Repair
Fix things, do not throw them away
Cycle Boost
Promotes active travel travel and encourages people to travel by bike
Conversation Club
A club for refugees and asylum seekers to help improve English.
Assist Sheffield
Works with people who are seeking sanctuary but have been refused asylum
Sheffield Green Parents
Parents and chilren working together to improve our environment
Global Justice Sheffield
Justice for the world's poor
Sheffield Estelli Society
Our twin town in Nicaragua
Clean Air Sheffield
Monitoring air quality in Sheffield and campaigning for cleaner air
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