Here are some wonderful local charities that deserve support.
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Dedicated to supporting young carers and young people affected by drug/alcohol issues in their family.
Provides essentials and equipment to mothers
Helps destitute asylum seekers
Help for survivors of human trafficking
Helps homeless people
Community helping homeless people and providing employment in the furniture store.
Delivering vital services to families
Support and care for children with special needs and their families
Promoting health and wellbeing for young people in the Broomhall area
There are many foodbanks in Sheffield and the list is constantly changing.
Your local Youth Housing Charity
Caring for stray and unwanted cats and kittens
Tackling animal cruelty. Rehoming unwanted pets.
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Sheffield Young Carers
Baby Basics
The Snowdrop Project
Cathedral Archer Project
Emmaus Charity Superstore
Home Start
Amy's House
Unity Gym
List of Food Banks
Sheffield Cat Shelter
RSPCA Sheffield Animal Shelter
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