Sheffield still has some great independent food shops. Please try to avoid the massive chains and supermarkets and support your local shops. This keeps money flowing around our local economy, rather than leaking out to rich shareholders.
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Huge selection of vegetarian and vegan food
Wholefood shop
Markets on the Moor, Crystal Peaks as well as outdoor and specialist markets.
The Sheffield Fair Trade Shop
Low waste lifestyle and refil shop
A general grocery shop, specialising in wholefoods.
Re-fill shop. A fully vegetarian shop and also stocks a wide range of vegan products.
Quality teas
Health Food Store, Sharrowvale Road
Fruit and Vegetables, Crookes
Fruit, Veg, Deli
Community. Fruit and Veg Shop
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Food and Groceries
Beanies Wholefoods Coop
Sheffield Markets
Good Taste
The Bare Alternative
Zeds Wholefoods Ltd
Birdhouse Tea Company
Down to Earth
Just Natural
Beeches of Walkley
New Roots
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