Members meetings

Members meetings are held monthly, usually on the second Monday of the month. Check the events page for details of forthcoming meetings.

Executive committee

The Executive Committee facilitates the management and day-to-day running of Sheffield Green Party and expedites actions arising from decisions at AGMs and Members meetings.

Officers (called Coordinators) are elected to the Executive for terms of 2 years and have monthly meetings. Councillors and Ward Organisers can also attend and contribute, and all SGP Members are welcome to observe.

Roles for Young Greens, Digital, and Media Team Coordinators are currently vacant. If you have any questions about the officer roles or might like to help in any of the Officer areas, please contact the Membership Coordinator at

The current Executive are:

Christine Gilligan Kubo
Co-Chair: Cllr Christine Gilligan Kubo (Elected 2023)
Councillor Douglas Johnson
Co-Chair: Cllr Douglas Johnson (Elected 2023)
Equalities & Diversity Coordinator: Bev Bennett (Elected 2022)
Membership Coordinator: Stewart Henderson (Elected 2023)
Compaigns Coordinator: Kim Perry (Elected 2023)
Policy and Governance Coordinator: Liam Hardy (Elected 2022)
Thomas Atkin-Withers
Elections Coordinator: Thomas Atkin-Withers (Elected 2022)