For a Fairer, Greener Sheffield

4th May 2024

Thank you for voting for a Fairer, Greener Sheffield on 2nd May. We are overjoyed to have kept 14 Green…

Sheffield Greens launch election campaign

17th April 2024

Sheffield Green Party are standing in all 28 wards in the local elections on 2nd May, on the 20th anniversary…

Let’s celebrate historic Sheffielders

13th April 2024

A letter to the Sheffield Star. Let’s celebrate historic Sheffielders It is great that the designer of Sheffield Botanical Gardens…

Re-elect Douglas Johnson in City Ward

13th April 2024

City ElectionAddress 2024 City letter 2024 See Douglas’s election page.

Green proposal for city bus begins.

8th April 2024

A proposal made by Sheffield Green Councillors in 2019 to “re-introduce the FreeBee bus service, with a low emission, circulating…

City Ward Newsletter March 2024

1st April 2024

City Ward newsletter March 2024

City Newsletter Winter 2023/4

1st April 2024

Download the pdf City Winter 24

Cllrs Ruth Mersereau and Douglas Johnson

Greens say “Don’t Gamble With Lives”

1st March 2024

One thing was clear at the Sheffield City Council Licensing meeting on Tuesday 27th February:  Gambling causes harm. The Committee…

“PSPO not fit for purpose”, say Greens

30th January 2024

At the Communities Parks and Leisure Committee meeting, Green Councillors voted against the Council’s proposals to introduce a Public Space…

Local Newsletters

19th December 2023

Green Councillors and prospective Councillors like to keep you informed about what is going on in your area with regular…

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site