City Ward Blog

Regular updates from your Green Party team in City Ward

Let’s celebrate historic Sheffielders

13th April 2024

A letter to the Sheffield Star. Let’s celebrate historic Sheffielders It is great that the designer of Sheffield Botanical Gardens…

Re-elect Douglas Johnson in City Ward

13th April 2024

City ElectionAddress 2024 City letter 2024 See Douglas’s election page.

City Ward Newsletter March 2024

1st April 2024

City Ward newsletter March 2024

City Newsletter Winter 2023/4

1st April 2024

Download the pdf City Winter 24

Greens visit trailblazing Steel Company aiming to be Carbon Neutral by 2030

12th March 2024

A group of Green Party Councillors have visited a busy Sheffield Steel factory aiming to be Carbon Neutral by 2030.…

Local Newsletters

19th December 2023

Green Councillors and prospective Councillors like to keep you informed about what is going on in your area with regular…


Vote for Cllr Ruth Mersereau in City Ward

1st May 2023


Cllr Ruth Mersereau

Housing is key for Greens

20th April 2023

Dear Editor City Ward Green councillors, Sheffield Green Party and the Green Party nationally are committed to high housing standards.…

City Ward Newsletter March 2023

City Ward Newsletter March 2023

18th March 2023

Click on the images to download the pdf.  

shops on Devonshire St

City Ward councillors oppose loss of Devonshire St shops

31st March 2021

City Ward councillors have made clear their opposition to the loss of shops on Devonshire St in the city centre,…

About City Ward

City Ward includes the city centre, Kelham Island, Shoreham Street and the University area. It has three Green Party Councillors, Douglas Johnson, Martin Phipps and Ruth Mersereau

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