Eamonn Ward

Greens post bus stop timetables as passengers are left in the dark
11th October 2022
Green activists have been out posting timetables on bus stops for altered services. Passengers have had no information at the…

Hillsborough Development a missed opportunity
13th September 2021
The following letter has been submitted for publication by Eamonn Ward, Hillsborough Green Party. The Upper Don Trail active travel…

A “dismal approach” to Licensing policy
9th November 2020
Green Party activists who help residents deal with alcohol licensing applications expressed disappointment at their concerns being dismissed.

Survey shows people want spending on social care and hospital services
12th October 2020
Thank you for the Big Conversation survey on the impact of lockdown. As an NHS Responder volunteer, most of my…

Greens say “Lamppost Licensing” fails Sheffield taxpayers
23rd July 2020
Greens have highlighted how Sheffield Council’s Licensing Policy is failing to meet its stated objectives in their submission to the public consultation

On May 7th you can turn around a broken democracy in Sheffield
6th February 2020
The Planning & Highways Committee meeting on January 28th underlined the woeful state of democracy in Sheffield.

Council incompetence = no cycle improvements funded by IKEA development
10th January 2019
In 2017, the council said they were “playing hardball” in making IKEA and Meadowhall pay £30 million for the road changes needed to handle the increased traffic they would generate.

Congratulations to the organisers of the Festival of Debate
9th July 2018
Festival of Debate achieves public engagement with politics and encourages active citizenship

Cut political spin from Sheffield Town Hall
22nd February 2018
The dictatorial council increasingly use spin doctors to try and cover up their failings

Sheffield’s dysfunctional Labour run council has been exposed
5th January 2018
2017 saw the inner workings of a dysfunctional Labour run council exposed, linked to an unwillingness to come clean on their failings.