Vote for Peter Gilbert in Ecclesall

15th April 2024

Ecclesall election address 2024

Re-elect Maroof Raouf in Nether Edge and Sharrow

15th April 2024

NE&S election address 2024 Candidate letter Visit Maroof’s Election Page

Re-elect Douglas Johnson in City Ward

13th April 2024

City ElectionAddress 2024 City letter 2024 See Douglas’s election page.

Nether Edge and Sharrow Newsletter March 2024

2nd April 2024

NetherEdge&Sharrow March newsletter 2024

Nether Edge and Sharrow Newsletter Winter 2023/4

2nd April 2024

NetherEdge&Sharrow Winter2023

Ecclesall Newsletter Winter 2023/4

1st April 2024

Download pdf Ecclesall Winter Newsletter

Green Councillors Alexi Dimond and Marieanne Elliot call for resignations.

Greens back open politics

16th January 2024

A recent letter to the Star stated that the Lowcock Report on the felling of 5,474 street trees “revealed the…

Martin Phipps

 Labour say they will not revoke the gas and oil licences. Only the Green Party will act on the climate emergency.

8th August 2023

July 2023 was the hottest month on record. In Southern Europe, there were wildfires near Athens in Greece and in…

Council’s Street Tree Dispute Apology – Councillor Douglas Johnson’s response

19th June 2023

Sheffield City Council has issued a detailed apology for its actions during the street tree dispute. This was debated at…

Save our trees

“Council apology on Street Trees welcome, but a long time coming” – say Greens

9th June 2023

Green Councillors on Sheffield City Council have welcomed the detailed and thorough written apology  (1) for the actions the Council…

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site