Christine Gilligan Kubo is the Green Party candidate for Hillsborough Ward on May 6th 2021.
I just moved out after living in Hillsborough for 24 years. I now live 1 mile outside the ward.
I lecture in Responsible and Ethical Business practice at Sheffield Business School and I believe in an economy that works for everyone while protecting our natural environment for future generations. Greens campaign against austerity but also want to see cleaner air and a better environment.
As well as working as a lecturer I am also a non-executive director of Sheffield Renewables and support the rapid transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy to create new green jobs and reduce the harmful effects of fossil fuels on our environment.
I cycle to work. Traffic jams at Hillsborough Corner, the ring road and other main roads highlight the need for a better transport infrastructure that prioritises public transport and safer cycling and walking options so people can leave their cars at home. This would reduce congestion for all road users while improving dangerous air pollution and road safety.
Hillsborough is a great place to live: we a good variety of local shops, it is easy to get to the city centre by tram or bus, and there is a large park with a walled garden that provides valuable green space for enjoying nature, jogging, tennis, football practice, and many other outdoor activities. Wadsley and Loxley Common is also nearby.
If elected I will work with local groups to protect these vital assets and make sure Hillsborough continues to be a good place to live and work. I will listen to your concerns and try to address them. Our communities are threatened by continuing austerity cuts and I want to work with local groups to try and re-invigorate our local community and offer the support they want and need from a local councillor.
I support the position of the Green Council group who argued to keep the City’s Highways maintenance “in-house” instead of the expensive, unaccountable, Streets Ahead contract. How the council spend our council tax should be transparent. I don’t believe it is in our interest to have secretive private sector organisations profiting from our money and acting in ways that have led to the mass felling of healthy street trees by a Labour council that does not appear to be listening to its constituents.
I hope you will elect me as your local councillor in Hillsborough ward.