Douglas Johnson

Owlthorpe Fields planning objection

29th May 2020

Councillor Douglas Johnson has submitted a comment on the application by Avant Homes on the planning application for greenfield land at Owlthorpe Fields.

Graham Santer and dog

Owlthorpe Fields under threat

28th May 2020

Owlthorpe Fields serve as the only pedestrian accessible biodiverse green space where I live

Sheffield Townhall

On May 7th you can turn around a broken democracy in Sheffield

6th February 2020

The Planning & Highways Committee meeting on January 28th underlined the woeful state of democracy in Sheffield.

Christine Gilligan Kubo

Local people have concerns about plans for Hepworth Refractory Site

17th January 2020

Something needs to be done with a derelict site, but traffic generated by plans to build 350 homes on the Hepworth Refactory Site in Loxley Valley concerns local people.

Paul Turpin

Councillor Paul Turpin’s first three months

26th August 2019

It’s been three months since I was elected by an overwhelming majority to represent the people in my home ward,…

Green Party leader Sian Berry with Brian Holmshaw

Greens comment on Old Town Hall plans

23rd August 2019

The heritage aspects of the plan need to be scrutinised closely but the prospects look good


Greens support campaign to oppose new Lidl at Malin Bridge

4th July 2019

Local residents objecting to a new Lidl proposed at Malin Bridge won’t be reassured by claims that it will not have a significant impact on the local road network

City Ward Greens: (l-r) Cllr Rob Murphy, Ruth Mersereau, Cllr Martin Phipps, Emily Brooke-Davies, Cllr Douglas Johnson

City Ward – February 2019

11th May 2019

The latest news from City Ward Greens

Cllr Douglas Johnson's speech on the budget amendment

Cllr Douglas Johnson’s speech on the budget amendment

19th March 2019

Cllr Douglas Johnson’s speech on the budget amendment

The proposed development of the Gilders site won’t ensure the survival of Banner Cross as a thriving local centre

5th November 2018

Banner Cross has recently lost a number of independent shops, including a much missed greengrocers and bakers, in part because of competition from a new ‘mini’ supermarket.

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site