
The Sheffield Green View 2020
18th January 2021
Local Plan Issues and Options consultation response from Sheffield Green Party October 2020 Table of Contents Introduction Spatial strategy How…

Green worries over more traffic in Malin Bridge and Broomhill
22nd December 2020
Sheffield Green Party has responded to the consultation on the Mottram by-pass, saying increased road capacity will increase congestion in…

Now is not the time to roll back environmental progress
18th November 2020
Councillor Paul Turpin writes …. Sheffield City Council announced a pause on plans for the citywide Clean Air Zone (CAZ) citing…

Double Yellows Won’t Sort Veolia Problems
27th May 2020
The last couple of weeks has seen the household waste site at Blackstock Rd become so busy that traffic has been queuing hundreds of yards up the slip road and along Blackstock Rd

Active Travel – what went wrong?
22nd May 2020
There’s been a surge in walking and cycling in the pandemic. Government has promised extra billions. It’s what Greens have campaigned for, for many years. So how is it looking in Sheffield?

Green Councillors Call for Reopening of Heeley Train Station
16th May 2020
Councillor Paul Turpin has identified Government funding that could improve sustainable transport options through the reopening of old railway stations.

Make bus complaints count in South Yorkshire!
2nd February 2020
There’s been an appalling drop in bus service reliability in Sheffield over the last few months. Complaints going unanswered and little improvement.

Sheffield Green Party welcomes bus franchising petition
15th November 2019
Sheffield Green Party and Councillors have frequently called on Sheffield Council and the Sheffield City Region mayor to use powers to regulate buses

Clean Air Zone consultation is missed opportunity
26th August 2019
This is a missed opportunity to engage the public on the reality of air pollution and the actions needed