Cllr Angela Argenzio

Greens mark success of Sheffield City Council’s Committee system

13th February 2023

Greens on Sheffield City Council have marked the success of the new Committee system, nearly a year since it was…

New Year’s Message from the Green Councillors

3rd January 2023

Happy New Year I’d like to wish everyone a happy new year on behalf of the 14 Sheffield Green councillors and…

Cllrs Marieanne Elliot and Angela Argenzio

Sheffield Council backs 3 Green Party proposals

5th June 2022

In the first Full Council meeting under the new Committee system, three proposals from the Green Party group of 14…

Sheffield Greens and Labour to share Chair role on the Adult Social Care Committee

31st May 2022

In what is thought to be a national first, the Green Party have agreed to share the role of Chair…

Councillor Angela Argenzio

Greens propose 3 major initiatives to take Sheffield forward

31st May 2022

For the first Full Council meeting under the new Committee system, Greens have proposed 3 major initiatives to take the…

New Green roles as Sheffield Council enters a modern committee system

18th May 2022

Green Councillors have new roles on Sheffield City Council after a change to a modern committee system.This is a successful…

A year of achievement for our Green Councillors

29th April 2022

After success in the elections last May, our 13 Green councillors put Sheffield City Council on a pathway to Net…

Developers can do more to tackle Climate Change

15th December 2021

Sheffield Greens call for more action by developers to tackle Climate Change. Following the outcome of COP26, Green Councillors in…

Green Councillor calls on Amey to “Come to your sensors!”

8th November 2021

Green Councillor Angela Argenzio who represents the Broomhill and Sharrow Vale Ward has called on Amey to empty the litter…

Green Party Garden Stake

Council Election Campaign & Candidate Information

9th April 2021

Council elections due in May 2020 will now be held on 6 May. On the same date, there will also…

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site