Graham Wroe

Sheffield Greens support Safe Streets Now campaign
22nd April 2024
Sheffield councillors Brian Holmshaw and Ruth Mersereau joined with residents in the Park Hill and Norfolk Park area of the…

Sheffield Labour Party have learnt absolutely nothing from the Lowcock Report
15th April 2023
A letter to the Sheffield Star I was horrified to see the letter from Cllr Peter Price (Sheffield Star 10/04/23…

Sign the pledge to support the Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
29th March 2023
On Saturday March 25th March some Green Party members joined with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Sheffield Extinction Rebellion to…

The least pedestrian-friendly junction in Sheffield
28th February 2023
Manor Castle Green Party are campaigning for improvements to an extremely dangerous traffic light junction with no pedestrian lights. The…

Sheffield has a worse record on child road casualties than nearly all the other metropolitan areas.
18th January 2023
A letter to the Sheffield Star In reply to Mike Lawton, yes I am a regular reader of the Star.…

Those with extreme wealth are by far the biggest polluters.
31st December 2022
I was pleased my letter about the climate emergency provoked some debate on the Star letters page over Christmas. In…

The science is clear on climate change
6th December 2022
Letter to the Sheffield Telegraph Ian Wray is entitled to his point of view, that climate change is nothing…

The March for Climate Justice
18th November 2022
A letter to the Sheffield Star Dear Editor I was very disappointed with your coverage of the Climate Justice…

The Felling is a masterclass
29th March 2022
This is a letter by Graham Wroe, Sheffield Green Party candidate for Nether Edge and Sharrow The premiere of The…

Every talk about knife crime could make a difference
9th March 2022
This is a letter by Green candidate for Netheredge and Sharrow, Graham Wroe: The consultation on whether or not the…