Sheffield Greens support Safe Streets Now campaign

22nd April 2024

Sheffield councillors Brian Holmshaw and Ruth Mersereau joined with residents in the Park Hill and Norfolk Park area of the…

Re-elect Douglas Johnson in City Ward

13th April 2024

City ElectionAddress 2024 City letter 2024 See Douglas’s election page.

Green proposal for city bus begins.

8th April 2024

A proposal made by Sheffield Green Councillors in 2019 to “re-introduce the FreeBee bus service, with a low emission, circulating…

City Ward Newsletter March 2024

1st April 2024

City Ward newsletter March 2024

City Newsletter Winter 2023/4

1st April 2024

Download the pdf City Winter 24

Cllrs Ruth Mersereau and Douglas Johnson

Greens say “Don’t Gamble With Lives”

1st March 2024

One thing was clear at the Sheffield City Council Licensing meeting on Tuesday 27th February:  Gambling causes harm. The Committee…

Greens propose new delivery hub for Sheffield City Centre

19th December 2023

Sheffield Green Party Councillors have proposed a new delivery hub for businesses in Sheffield City Centre. Green Councillor Ruth Mersereau,…

City Ward Newsletter Autumn 2023

14th December 2023

Download the pdf here.

Green dismay at removal of road safety measures on school route

27th September 2023

Green councillors  expressed anger and frustration after the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee voted to remove traffic-calming measures on…

Cllr Ruth Mersereau on her bike

Greens back residents in call for safer streets

19th September 2023

Sheffield Green Party Councillors are backing local residents’ calls for safer roads, keeping the closure of a number of roads…

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site