
Labour Executive are bringing Sheffield Council into disrepute
8th November 2017
Cllr Teal calls for Sheffield Council to be held accountable for their expensive, politically motivated, and punitive legal action against tree campaigners

Sign our petition against restrictions on peaceful protest
6th November 2017
Sign our petition to Sheffield Council – “Don’t restrict peaceful protest against Sheffield tree-felling”

Questions about the China deal need answering
2nd November 2017
Readers may not be aware that recent council reassurances on the £1 billion China deal were not just prompted by…

Case dismissed against Green Councillor
31st October 2017
Sheffield Greens were delighted last Friday 27th October when a High Court Judge, Mr Justice Stephen Males, threw out a…

Green Party Peer Jenny Jones to support tree campaigners
26th October 2017
Green Party Peer Jenny Jones is set to visit Sheffield on Friday 27th October in support of Green Councillor Alison Teal and local residents

Opposition Unites to Scrutinise Council Streetcleaning Proposals
24th October 2017
Sheffield’s Green and Lib Dem councillors have called in a decision by Council Leader Julie Dore to cut litter clearance and remove vegetation from council land.

Sheffield Greens delight at City Centre 20mph Zone announcement
18th October 2017
Sheffield Greens are responding to the news that the Council has taken up a key Green Party policy of reducing speed limits across the city centre to 20mph

Better facilities and a vision for the future of rail
18th October 2017
Sheffield Green Party has responded to the East Midlands rail franchise consultation, setting out its vision for how the railway should run.

Sheffield Green Party rail franchise consultation response
12th October 2017
Sheffield Green Party has submitted a response to the consultation on the future East Midlands Rail franchise. This includes the Sheffield…

October council report: Same Old, Same Old
12th October 2017
Devolution was on the agenda at October’s council meeting, after the final collapse of the Sheffield City Region devolution deal. Rob Murphy’s motion called…