This is an old page. See this page for the 2024 local election.

Peter Gilbert is the Green Party candidate for Ecclesall Ward in the local elections on May 5th 2022.

Peter grew up in Ecclesall and still lives in the ward. He is a social care worker and dedicated campaigner who is passionate about climate and social justice.

Peter and the Ecclesall Green team get involved with local community groups and talk to residents to find out what is important to you. From green spaces, local shops, air quality and active travel, the group campaigns to improve Ecclesall for the benefit and safety of people who live and work here.

Greens can win in Ecclesall and have strong support across the ward. Every Green councillor makes a huge difference, bringing new ideas and a new energy to our council. Please vote Green this May.

For information about Peter and the election campaign please click on the links below. You can also get in touch with the Ecclesall team via email at to find out more, or support us by putting up a window poster.

Election Address

Peter opened up his ‘eco’ home to share his experience of installing an Air Source Heat Pump and exciting insulation (Sheffield Star).

The Green council budget proposals for 2022/23 offered a manifesto for council action to address the climate emergency.

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