David WillingtonDavid Willington is the Green Party candidate for Stocksbridge & Upper Don Ward in the local elections on May 6th 2021

I moved to Sheffield with my family in 2004. It’s a city we love and I’ve become involved in local and city-wide issues. My main volunteer role is in school governance. I’m a governor at Wharncliffe Side primary where until recently I chaired the governing body. I joined Bradfield school’s governing body in summer 2017, and I also sit on the executive of the Sheffield Association of School Governing Bodies.

Outside school governance I was heavily involved in the campaign to save Stocksbridge Leisure Centre and am very proud that it’s now the thriving organisation it is. As an enthusiastic musician and parent I volunteer with Sheffield Music Hub and recently joined their advisory body. Professionally I work in IT as a software developer.

The Green council budget proposals for 2021/22 offered a manifesto for council action to address the climate emergency 

Brian joins all Green party candidates in supporting the Sheffield People’s Referendum for democratic change. Vote for Change on May 6th!

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