Catherine Fish is the second choice Green Party candidate for Manor Castle Ward in the local elections on May 4th 2023. The first choice candidate is Ruth Flagg-Abbey. You have 2 votes to elect 2 councillors this year.
I live on Wulfric road, off City road close to Manor Top. I joined the Green Party just eighteen months ago after realising it brought together the concerns that I have been passionate about for some time. These include sustainable food and transport systems and policies for the care and protection of people and planet, and challenging structures that have threatened those for too long.
I have been actively supportive of plans for Active Travel and a reduction in air pollution, and for a year, was the main grower at the community allotment in Woodhouse with involvement in some other community allotments, in Sheffield and elsewhere.
As an Occupational Therapist, and someone whose late husband lived for many years as a wheelchair user, accessibility for all and equal rights for all minority groups, are very important to me.
I am particularly keen to be involved in the launch of the Sheffield Doughnut Economics Action Laboratory, to build on a foundation of economics that is not “growth” focused, but that prioritises fair sharing of resources, to meet the needs of all within the means of the planet. This will be, I believe, through increasing participation and contribution at community level, challenging top-down thinking. For example, it is clear that Sheffield City Council will not meet their goals for de-carbonisation of our city by waiting for Central Government grants. They will be too little, too uncertain and too late. Green investments make financial sense, and Doughnut Economics Action Lab, will enable us all to understand ways these can be implemented in our City.
The least pedestrian friendly junction in Sheffield
Sheffield Council agrees budget in first budget meeting since committee system.