Vote Eamonn Ward in Firth Park on May 2nd 2024
Your Green candidates
Eamonn Ward is one of 2 Green Party candidates for Firth Park Ward in the local elections on May 2nd 2024. The other is Colin McCulloch.
I aim to join a growing group of Green councillors making local action to address the climate emergency their priority. Greens will continue to campaign for better public transport and safer cycling and walking options so people can choose to leave their cars at home, reducing congestion for all road users while improving dangerous air pollution and road safety.
There is a clear need to turn around the lack of reliable public transport options to allow people to access both the Northern General and Hallamshire hospitals. Greens are among many campaigners who have now got this high up the agenda of the South Yorkshire Mayor who is responsible for bus services and needs to make this an urgent priority.