Vote for Rosie Trevillion in East Ecclesfield on May 2nd 2024
Your Green candidates

Rosie Trevillion is the Green Party candidate for East Ecclesfield ward in the local elections on May 2nd 2024.
I work for A Fleet for Change, a new not-for-profit organisation, creating solutions to our failing public transport system here in South Yorkshire. I have a background in healthcare so I have a firm grasp of the wide ranging social issues that affect our communities and I am driven by the vision of flourishing people and places.
I will work tirelessly in representing the needs of all my constituents, which means listening first. We all have the right to a voice and that is why I am standing for councillor – to make sure that what is important to you is at the forefront of decisions made on your behalf. As a Green Party Councillor, I will be a force for creating an East Ecclesfield fit for our future generations to grow and thrive.