Vote Gill Black in Beauchief and Greenhill 2nd May 2024
Your Green candidates

Gill Black is the Green Party candidate for Beauchief & Greenhill Ward in the local elections on May 2nd 2024.
I joined the Green Party 10 years ago. I am a retired Local Authority senior manager and have had a number of roles in the Party including Ward Organiser and am now the Membership Coordinator.
I’m standing in this election as I am seeking to join other Green councillors in implementing sustainable policies for Sheffield. I support plans for Active Travel and a reduction in air pollution. However, I also have a disabled husband so I am very aware that any changes need to include consultation with and provision for disabled people and those who struggle with their mobility. Another key priority is to increase access to effective building insulation, renewable energy and other measures to reduce the use of fossil fuels and save people money.
If elected as your local Councillor I would listen to and work on behalf of all residents, and stand up for support and improvements in all areas of Beauchief & Greenhill ward.