
Gleadless Valley and Heeley Newsletter Winter 2022/3
27th February 2023
Gleasdless Valley and Heeley Newsletter Winter 2023

Clean Air Zone starts today
27th February 2023
The Clean Air Zone became operational this morning. Here Cllr Douglas Johnson explains 20 important things you need to know…

Green Pages- New feature on the website
10th February 2023
Today we have launched “Green Pages“. On this page, you will find links to small businesses and co-ops, campaigning groups,…

The facts about the Clean Air Zone and how it will improve our city.
7th February 2023
This article first appeared in Yorkshire By-lines Sheffield’s clean air zone (CAZ) finally comes into force on 27 February 2023,…

All areas of Sheffield are suffering bus service cuts.
22nd January 2023
After massive bus service cuts across South Yorkshire in October, the planned removal of government Covid-support subsidies on April 1st…