
Turning down the gas for Ukraine
11th March 2022
This is a letter by Logan Robin, Walkley Ward candidate for Sheffield Green Party The connections between many Sheffielders and…

Sheffield Greens call for the government to guarantee investment in South Yorkshire after Brexit
12th March 2020
Green Councillors have raised questions about replacing lost EU funding after Brexit

Sheffield Greens celebrate first Green MEP for Yorkshire, and 25% of the vote
27th May 2019
Greens secure 12.9% of the regional vote resulting in Magid Magid being elected.

Magid Magid selected as lead candidate for Greens for European election
24th April 2019
Outgoing Sheffield Lord Mayor Magid Magid and Cllr Alison Teal have been selected as lead and second candidates for Yorkshire and Humber in the European elections

Sheffield Green Party People’s Vote motion
14th January 2019
This motion was passed by Sheffield Green Party at our meeting on January 7th ahead of the House of Commons decisions in the week starting January 14th.