Park Square

Joined up thinking needed to reduce air pollution

13th November 2017

If the Star round table discussion on air pollution is to lead to improvements it will require joined up thinking by the council.

Douglas Johnson

Questions about the China deal need answering

2nd November 2017

Readers may not be aware that recent council reassurances on the £1 billion China deal were not just prompted by…

Green Party campaigners at Sheffield railway station: (l-r): Cllr Douglas Johnson, Rachel Hardy, Peter Garbutt, Natalie Bennett, Cllr Alison Teal

Better facilities and a vision for the future of rail

18th October 2017

Sheffield Green Party has responded to the East Midlands rail franchise consultation, setting out its vision for how the railway should run.

Councillors Douglas Johnson and Rob Murphy

October council report: Same Old, Same Old

12th October 2017

Devolution was on the agenda at October’s council meeting, after the final collapse of the Sheffield City Region devolution deal. Rob Murphy’s motion called…

Douglas Johnson

Licensing committee approves CADS use of Eagle Works

10th October 2017

Green Councillor Douglas Johnson said he was “very pleased with the success” of the licensing application by the CADS. The decision…

Natalie Bennett

Motion to end production of single-use plastics from Sheffield Green Party’s Natalie Bennett passed unanimously by Green Party national conference in Harrogate

9th October 2017

Green Party members have unanimously passed a motion proposed by Sheffield Green Party member and former national leader Natalie Bennett…

We need more affordable housing

6th October 2017

Now the Government has weakened Councils’ control over planning permission, it is easier for developers to avoid conditions that create affordable housing

Sheffield Green Councillors shortlisted for national awards

3rd October 2017

Sheffield Greens are delighted to report that two Green councillors, Alison Teal and Magid Magid, have been shortlisted for major national honours

Green Councillor wants to save a part of Sheffield’s heritage

3rd October 2017

Green Councillor Douglas Johnson has lodged a planning objection to save a part of Sheffield’s heritage.

Let Sheffield Breathe

Air pollution and public health cannot be swept under the carpet

30th September 2017

While the chimney sculptures may be attractive and remind us of our industrial past, they will also represent the modern-day air pollution that makes Tinsley an unhealthy place to live

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site