
Greens object to planning application for demolished community garden in Crookes
23rd July 2020
Sheffield Green Party is supporting the petition from the local community by objecting to the planning application for apartments at the corner of Cobden View Rd and Northfield Rd in Crookes

Local independent businesses are the lifeblood of our communities
23rd July 2020
Local pubs, restaurants and other independent businesses are the lifeblood of our communities. They pay their taxes and your money stays in the local economy.

Is SCC Using Coronavirus To Avoid Scrutiny?
13th July 2020
Sheffield City Council has been failing to uphold the principle of open government since lockdown was introduced in March.

Government spending on home insulation is very welcome
7th July 2020
News of the Government spending £3 billion pounds on insulation is very welcome. This is something that Greens have wanted for many years.

Black Lives Matter supports women’s issues
30th June 2020
Look at “What We Believe” on the Black Lives Matter website and it’s quite clear where they stand on supporting women’s issues.

Greens comment on Old Coroner’s Court planning appeal
27th June 2020
The property developer who wanted to demolish the Old Coroner’s Court has appealed to the Planning Inspector against the refusal of planning permission by the council

We should invest in a green recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic
11th June 2020
I agree with Lib Dem Cllr Chris Carter that urgent climate emergency action is needed. But not his suggestion of “relaxing safety requirements for nuclear power stations and building new ones as quickly as possible”.

Sheffield Green Party commends Sheffield Community Contact Tracers
10th June 2020
The UK was ranked second in the Global Health Security Index ranking global pandemic preparedness in October 2019.

Scrutiny is so vital
7th June 2020
The arrogance of the Labour Cabinet is no longer a surprise but their belief they are untouchable was shaken by a Call-In scrutiny meeting late last week

Sheffield Greens comment on Owlthorpe planning application refusal
3rd June 2020
Sheffield Greens react to the news that councillors rejected the planning application by Avant Homes to build 74 executive houses on a greenfield site at Owlthorpe