For a Fairer, Greener Sheffield

4th May 2024

Thank you for voting for a Fairer, Greener Sheffield on 2nd May. We are overjoyed to have kept 14 Green…

Sheffield Greens launch election campaign

17th April 2024

Sheffield Green Party are standing in all 28 wards in the local elections on 2nd May, on the 20th anniversary…

Cllr Ruth Mersereau on her bike

Greens back residents in call for safer streets

19th September 2023

Sheffield Green Party Councillors are backing local residents’ calls for safer roads, keeping the closure of a number of roads…

Greens dismay at Labour & LibDem attacks on walking and cycling improvements.

26th September 2022

The Green Party has expressed dismay and disappointment after the Labour Co-Chair of the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Chair Committee…


Comments on Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

19th April 2022

The Council’s Executive Member for Climate Change, Environment and Transport, Cllr Douglas Johnson, responds to a constituent’s enquiry about the…

Green Party Garden Stake

Council Election Campaign & Candidate Information

9th April 2021

Council elections due in May 2020 will now be held on 6 May. On the same date, there will also…

£650,000 on Labour Party electioneering

21st March 2021

Like many people in Gleadless Valley and across the city, I understand the need for the rise in council tax…

Greens object to planning application for demolished community garden in Crookes

23rd July 2020

Sheffield Green Party is supporting the petition from the local community by objecting to the planning application for apartments at the corner of Cobden View Rd and Northfield Rd in Crookes

Cobden View Community Space

Save Cobden View Community Space

2nd June 2020

Over the recent bank holiday weekend, an 8 ft fence was erected around the community garden on Cobden View Rd in Crookes

Vote Green Party

Greens standing in all 28 wards

4th April 2019

Sheffield Greens are standing candidates in all 28 wards for the Sheffield council elections on May 2nd

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site