Jason Leman

Voters in Sheffield Hallam have a choice. To carry on the same old path, or change course. I will speak up for climate action, for a fairer economy, and for a healthier future for everyone.

I’m a researcher in my working life. At the heart of this is listening to people, finding out what the issues are, and setting out solutions. We know the climate crisis, cost of living and the state of public services are a huge concern.

The solutions the Green Party sets out will address these issues. Transforming housing, transport and energy. Making polluters and profiteers pay their share. Building up the NHS and schools and connecting them to our communities.

As a campaigner, I know that change only works when we involve people and work together. I am asking for you to join me in working towards a greener and fairer, future for everyone.

See more from Jason on why he’s standing for Hallam or watch the full BBC Hallam debate.

To help Jason’s campaign please donate to the Crowdfunder,  join the Green Party and Get Involved.

To contact Jason’s team email sheffield.hallam@votegreen.uk

Sheffield General Election 2024