
Council incompetence = no cycle improvements funded by IKEA development

10th January 2019

In 2017, the council said they were “playing hardball” in making IKEA and Meadowhall pay £30 million for the road changes needed to handle the increased traffic they would generate.

Bin collection dates

Look out for changed bin collection days over Christmas

22nd December 2018

Christmas is almost here. That’s going to mean lots of used wrapping paper, food and packaging, batteries – and plenty of bottles.

Sheffield Townhall

Total Disunity

11th December 2018

So, what happened at December’s meeting of the full Sheffield City Council?

Job centre plus

Universal credit factsheet

7th November 2018

We know Universal Credit will be very difficult for a lot of people. They will still need to claim it to have some money to live on. This factsheet from Sheffield Green Party is to give you as much practical help as possible.

Cllrs Douglas Johnson and Rob Murphy

Green call for better buses

31st October 2018

Green Party councillors are urging the regional mayor to take back control of South Yorkshire’s buses

Douglas Johnson

Sheffield Green Party comments on Gambling licences

16th October 2018

Sheffield Green Party has submitted comments on how betting shops and gambling venues should be licensed

Green action – October 3rd Council

2nd October 2018

Green councillors are raising issues including the successful campaign to keep the Walk-in Centre and Minor Injuries Unit open, tackling modern slavery and abuse, and a people’s vote on Brexit

Kaltum Rivers

Green councillor welcomes call for greater transparency from housing developers

19th September 2018

Councillor Kaltum Rivers has welcomed the strong support received by a petition calling for the council to demand greater transparency from developers when making claims about the affordability of housing

Bernard Little with Blue and Black Bins

The distressing truth about the “improved recycling service”

12th September 2018

It was ‘pat yourselves on the back’ time for the Labour-run council at the September 5th council meeting with their motion to coincide with the brown bin roll out.


Collection changes won’t help us recycle more

11th September 2018

Residents will know that new recycling bins are currently being rolled out in Sheffield this autumn. We are getting more bins but fewer collections, and no overall change to what can and can’t be recycled

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site