Cllr Ruth Mersereau checking progress of work at Duchess Road Pocket Park

City Ward – March 2020

24th May 2020

The latest news from City Ward Greens

Paul Turpin

One Year Since Being Elected

24th May 2020

It’s been a whole year since I was elected! It’s flown by!

New road layout for social distancing sign

Active Travel – what went wrong?

22nd May 2020

There’s been a surge in walking and cycling in the pandemic. Government has promised extra billions. It’s what Greens have campaigned for, for many years. So how is it looking in Sheffield?

Paul Turpin

Green Councillors Call for Reopening of Heeley Train Station

16th May 2020

Councillor Paul Turpin has identified Government funding that could improve sustainable transport options through the reopening of old railway stations.

Natalie Bennett

“Housing policy: it wasn’t working before. What now?”

13th May 2020

Monday May 18th 8:30pm to 9:30pm – Sheffield’s Green peer Natalie Bennett talks to Reach Homes founder, innovative housing builder Jon Johnson + Q&A

Douglas Johnson

Sheffield Green Party voice concern as council restricts public say on planning decisions in Sheffield

12th May 2020

Greens Cllr Douglas Johnson and Brian Holmshaw comment on anti-democratic changes to Planning Committees that restrict the right to speak for both the public and community stakeholder groups

Douglas Johnson

Death on Palms Row

7th May 2020

It is disappointing that the Star article on the areas with the highest Coronavirus death rate in the city referred to the “large Roma population, some of whom have been seen flouting the strict lockdown rules”

Paul Turpin

Care Homes Are The Poor Relation

3rd May 2020

The tragic report of the deaths of eighteen elderly residents from a single care home provider in Sheffield, is one of the worst aspects of the coronavirus epidemic.

Douglas Johnson

Lock-down should not mean watering down democracy

30th April 2020

Green councillor Douglas Johnson commented after Labour and LibDem councillors voted for more decision-making to be made by officers, not elected councillors, under emergency arrangements.

Sheffield Townhall

Sheffield Council must pay grants out to small businesses urgently

21st April 2020

New figures show that Sheffield lags behind other Yorkshire authorities when it comes to paying out grant funding to businesses in the lockdown.

News archive Older Sheffield Green Party articles are available on our archive site